Be the Best Version
of Yourself

Reveal your full potential, set yourself the right goals, become a better YOU and start changing the way you live now!


Sex therapist with Gestalt orientation
Professional coach certified in Cognitive & Behavioural coaching
Holistic psychotherapist

About Me

Let me help you to Be the Best Version of Yourself

I come from a family ruled by tradition and almighty patriarcal authority. Despite this strict environment I grew up as a free spirit and with a commitment to live a free life independent from social and spiritual preconceptions. 

I have had multiple professional lives; Sales & Marketing, Business owner, Consultant, University Teacher… I have travelled the world, visited 60 countries, lived in 6 of them, met hundreds of people who have taught me about life, and helped a few of them transform theirs. 

These human experiences revealed me my purpose: to help people change their lives, accomplish their dreams and eventually become the best version of themselves.


So How Can I Help You?


Individual & Couple Sex Therapy

Leave the baggage of your past love life behind. Discover what – or who – you really want and learn to find or build a strong relationship that really works.  Better understand yourself and the drivers of your intimate world. Build confidence in yourself and reinvent your sexual life through individual or couple sessions.

Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

Knowledge of your sexuality on an individual level, identifying and assuming your identity, orientation, sexual needs, desires, preferences, fears and traumas and issues that may accompany you in your sexual life to feel fulfilled as sexual beings. 


Sexual Intelligence

 Develop the emotional individual and social skills of the couple that will facilitate the sharing of your “Sexual Self” in a potential way with your partner’s “Sexual Self”, and to achieve sexual happiness. The aim of the sessions is to increase the sexual intelligence quotien, promoting self-knowledge and self-esteem, holistic wellbeing, creativity, management of emotions and feelings, energy and success in relationships. 

Lifestyle Coaching

Take a journey on the road to the lifestyle you have always dreamed about but somehow were never able to turn into reality. Develop your personal brand, strengthen your beliefs and individual value-system, set yourself the right goals, become a better YOU and start changing the way you live now!


Executive Coaching

Learn the essential to reach a resourceful state and improve your performance at work. Develop resilience and strengthen your ability to manage your priorities, your time and your stress. create and maintain hight-performance states to provide you with more options and better abilities, even in the most high-pressure environments. Be the Best Version of Yourself!

What people say?

Grâce à toi et à tout le soutien que tu m'as apporté, j'ai pu résoudre mes soucis et je me sens franchement mieux aujourd'hui. Je voulais te remercier du fond du cœur pour tout le boulot qu'on a fait ensemble. T'as vraiment su être là quand j'en avais besoin, m'écouter, et ta façon de voir les choses a changé beaucoup de choses pour moi et mon couple.
En un momento de mi vida donde afloraron inseguridades y no sabia bien hacia donde ir, me puse en contacto con Best of Me Coach y fue una de las mejores cosas que he hecho. Damaris, me ayudo a potencia mis cualidades y ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva. Junto a ella logre fortalecer muchas de mis virtudes y detectar mis areas de mejora y como mejorarlas. Tiene una gran paciencia y escucha activa. Siempre disponible y atenta para lo que pudiera necesitar durante todo el proceso. Gran profesional y muy recomendable.
Ma vie était un tournant quand ma meilleure amie m'a présentée Damaris. Je sortais d'un divorce difficile. J'avais perdu goût à la vie, au sexe. Je ne croyais plus en moi et je me sentais incapable d'une nouvelle relation. Très vite Damaris m'a aidée à identifier que mon problème était mon rapport avec mon corps. Sur une série de 6 séances elle m'a aidé à retrouver progressivement confiance en moi, à retrouver mon désir sexuel, ma féminité. Dans les six semaines qui ont suivi ce travail, j'ai rencontré l'amour de ma vie. Aujourd'hui je suis bien dans ma peau et j'ai retrouvé le bonheur amoureux et l'épanouissement sexuel. Merci Damaris!
 I got in touch with Best of Me Coach as I was starting a new job and needed a support with building legitimacy in my new role. After a couple of coaching sessions Damaris helped me identify personal branding as a key driver of my professional success. Over the next three sessions we went over many aspects, helping to identify my strengths, my values, set short and long term goals and also some very practical things such as how I dress, my body language and the identity I want to project to the outside world consistently with who I really am. This experience was nothing less than life changing. Today, thanks to Damaris I enjoy much more what I do and the person I am and I have been able to impact my organisation and the people I work with to a level I would have never expected before. My advice don't wait any longer to Be the Best Version of Yourself!
Damaris me ha ayudado con su metodologia y sabiduria a reconciliarme con el pasado y conmigo misma, a traves de sus pertinentes preguntas e interpretaciones me ha hecho descubrirme a mi misma, haciendo que indague en mi interior y a ver la luz en la oscuridad en la que estaba sumergida. Durante el camino recorrido a su lado, Damaris siempre ha podido contar con ella para poder superarlos y evitar recaer logrando que desaparezcan para siempre y volver a disfrutar de mi misma y de lo que me rodea. La recomiendo especialmente por su paciencia, comprension y su comunicacion directa y asertiva.

Get your free consultation and become the Best Version of Yourself!

Damaris Tenza

+34 723359973

Cabinet in San Pedro Alcantara - Marbella
Online and phone consultations